
Maine Maple Sunday

I have lived in Maine my whole life, and eat pancakes like they are going out of style - yet I have never experienced Maine Maple Sunday. It is like the Trek Across Maine, I did it once, and now I have signed on for a life long commitment to a giant maple syrup party at Harris Farm!

We piled into Aunt Jeanne's truck and off we went. Paul, Brian, Amy, Aunt Jeanne, Dad and me - already quite a family event. Then of course, you run into the darndest folks at parties like this! Aunt Di, Jason, Lee, Matt, Alexis, and this little peanut - Isabella were all there when we arrived! It was an unplanned Dumas family breakfast! FUN!

It was 20 something degrees, and despite the fact that we talked about how cold it was outside, no one really dressed for the weather! Even though it was completely worth it - the hour in the windy cold weather was a little rough! Until the doughnuts arrived.
*A side note: They used their own wheat for the flour! AMAZING!

We ate doughnuts and the last 15 minutes flew by! We began to feel the heat wafting out of the building, and smell the sweet pancake batter cooking on the griddles... This is all of my breakfast dreams come true.

The sun was shining and despite the cold, everyone was smiling. It is so funny how hundreds of people can gather in Maine like this. We all want a taste of that sweet liquid dream, fresh fluffy pancakes, a side of homemade sausage, and fresh blueberry milk - so badly - that we will do almost anything. So many times in life we wait in long lines or suffer a "delay" of any kind, but never has it paid off like it did at Harris Farm, on March 27th.
They had 2 giant flat top griddles for making the mass quantities of pancakes. This is on my list of must have "kitchen gadgets" of 2011. If you don't have a griddle to make a stack of 15 full sized pancakes at one time, then your kitchen is not properly equipped!

Strawberry, banana, chocolate, coffee, blueberry and orange cream milk! Even a girl who is lactose intolerant can't pass up an opportunity for a little sip of fresh Harris Farm milk! Or for some homemade maple cotton candy for that matter! After breakfast, we walked to the sugar shack. This is where the syrup making actually happens!
There was also maple caramel popcorn. I know it sounds like we had a lot of junk food, just remember that it was all made with pure ingredients and lots of love. (Two very important ingredients in healthy eating!)

Go to Harris Farm and enjoy a real taste of Maine.
Check out the events on their website - and maybe we will bump into you next time!

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