
Dad's Green Beans #2

Farm House Cookbook written by Susan Herrmann Loomis. What a great book - she has travelled all over the US to gather recipes right from the folks who farm the land. Traveling for 2 years, she visited farms, ranches, dairies, vineyards and orchards. (How fun would that be!)

Green Beans with Walnuts and Lemon
1 lb green beans
1 lemon - juice & zest
3 Tbs butter
1 C toasted walnuts*

Steam green beans to your liking, mix chopped walnuts, butter and lemon with the cooked beans. Serve this right away because the citrus will make the beans lose their bright green color.
*350 degrees for 10 minutes.... they will smell yummy and you'll know they are ready

Generally when cooking green beans, I use a little butter and S&P - the easy way! The always tasty way. There are a lot of times, when nuts will end up in the mix too. Everyone loves green bean casserole, but who can open a can of mushroom soup to make that dish in the middle of the summer? This new recipe might be the easiest tweak to an already simple preparation.

There is something about the lemon and the toasty walnuts that has made me vow to prepare them this way for all of my friends and family. It was a simple addition to what I already enjoy - and it made these beans taste like summer. It would be great to serve this with the Thanksgiving spread, something light to balance the rest of the food on my plate swimming in Dad's homemade gravy!!

I will bring the leftovers to work for dinner - cold lemony green beans.... mmmmm....

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