
Here goes nothing...

Being a part of an enormous family, food is the focus of all gatherings. When you are bringing together 30 people, 3 dogs and 4 cats for a meal, you need to spend some time preparing. You better have snacks waiting for the people that come early to watch the cooking taking place! (or some Frito's for me if I'm in the kitchen!)

As far as I remember, the Dumas family has only gathered to eat. Well, yes, it is usually some kind of celebration - graduation, new baby, new job or Uncle Mike's in town - they all need a hearty spread and at least 2 different pies for dessert. The kitchen is where my family lives, and this is how I started cooking.

When? Can't remember exactly. My job was to crimp the edges of Dad's pies with a fork or paint the top with egg. Stirring the gravy - which seemed especially important because of my almost unnatural love for Dad's gravy! (I can help create this liquid gold... sign me up!) At the big gatherings I am usually the designated smasher of all things smashed - potatoes, turnip, squash...

Cooking is never a chore and always an adventure, but baking is where my true love lies. With a mouth full of sweet teeth, I need to continually try new recipes to keep them satisfied. Sharing the kitchen with Dad, Amy, Chris, Aunt Jeanne, and more and more often, Brian, I find a kind of satisfaction that can't be found elsewhere. At home, I use my Dad's recipes and open the cookbooks that he and Aunt Jeanne have collected for me over the years. It is my family and my home that I find in the kitchen and this is what keeps me going back.

A side note: moderation. I have a hard time with this one - but I will mention it. Something that makes it easier for me is my bike. A nice long ride will always balance my cookie intake!

Thanks to Uncle Peter, I now have the first ever Cookie-Bike. Paid in full - with cookies.

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