
My First Crepes

Last Sunday's breakfast. Stuffed crepes... my first time! Made some batter, grated zucchini, summer squash, chopped onion, grated sharp cheddar. (Plus rosemary and garlic, 2 standards when I don't want to think too hard about flavor! I LOVE rosemary... I am dreaming up some rosemary cookies as we speak!)

Thanks Dad - again for the fresh zucchini and summer squash - there is nothing better. I have a beautiful butternut squash picked from his garden too. It is waiting for the heatwave to pass and I think it finally has! Maybe dinner tonight!

Fried up the veggies and made a big scramble. Stuffed eggs into the crepes with cheese, we dumped maple syrup on top and of course - shared some thick cut bacon on the side. WE NEED our weekly supplement of pork at breakfast time. Bacon, sausage, ham, whatever is handy!

Sadly, the final picture doesn't really do it justice - looks like a soggy burrito. IT WAS DELICIOUS! Next time I think I might take on the challenge of this "white sauce" that they serve with crepes at All Day Breakfast in Kennebunk. Not only would it taste good - but it would also make for better pictures for the end result!

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