
Cinnamon Bun Success!

Thanks to Jen and Tim for the Cooks Illustrated that allowed me to make my first successful batch of cinnamon buns from scratch! Now I just need some of your inside tips on perfecting the recipe and process!

Lots of butter, lots of sugar, and a really HUGE piece of dough - close to a brioche, says the Cooks Illustrated.

Some TLC, roll it up, cut it, wait... bake it, wait... make icing, wait...

Yes, more butter... Yes, they smell AMAZING! We are drooling, trying to pass the time...

It's not really working. They are HOT! Mmmmmm.... They smell SO GOOD! How are you supposed to be patient when you are waiting for one of the best things on earth, and you are smelling the fragrance of sugar, butter, cinnamon and love baking in the oven?
(Recipe called for cream cheese icing, but milk and me don't get along, so I went with a basic icing recipe with butter, sugar and vanilla... easy, and "low fat" I guess.)


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