
Whoopie Mania at 4:30 am

I broke out the marshmallow cream - and baked some whoopies! These first chocolate pies claimed to be "less fluffy but you'll gobble them right up" -sounds good to me!

These next whoopies are my creation - using a "healthy" recipe for zucchini whoopies - I made some carrot cake pies! (Even better in my book!) I had so much filling I needed to bake 2 batches of whoopies to use it all up.

If anyone reading is interested in these recipes - tell me and I will post. Right now, not sure if anyone is reading - so I won't waste my time on details! Just sharing my yummy photos makes me very happy.


  1. I'm reading but I don't really want the recipe but I'd love a big bite!

  2. you have readers...keep posting, it's a great blog and those are some AWESOME WHOOPIES, both kinds were delish!

  3. Who is Nej - and how could you taste my whoopie pies without a recipe?
    This is very interesting!

    Andrea - I will have to bring you some yummy treats. We should really get together soon!!!
