
Whoopie Pie Tour - continues on our way home...

From Rangeley, we drove home, looking for lunch the whole way! We found a place in New Gloucester (20 minutes from our house, after a 2+ hour drive!)

Mario's of New Gloucester. YUMMMMMMY! Brian cuts the wheel and I grab the arm rest - here we go! Mario's it is! I think he was tired of me complaining that I was hungry... it happens. (I did have half of the PB whoopie in my bag, just wanted to savor it another day)

We sat down in the dining room, that I would describe as - too-close-for-comfort, at the best table in the house. We had a beautiful sunny day outside and the breeze was blowing in the window on us!

I ordered some crazy sandwich with meat, cheese, veggies and marinara sauce. YUM. Brian ordered "popcorn chicken" which turned out to be home made chicken nuggets. I think our server was about 18. She was the sweetest server I have ever met (with the exception of me... when that was my livelihood) She was proud of her family restaurant and so excited to tell me about the pumpkin whoopies, pies, and breads that her family bake at the restaurant.

So, it sounds like I say this a lot - but - GO THERE! Have a whoopie. They put nutmeg and cloves in the cream cheese frosting! If you go there for a great whoopie - that is good - but go there for great service... You will feel like a part of the family. I hope next time she'll share the filling recipe with me... (my secret plan!)

We did try 4 different whoopies over the weekend. Sounds like an OD, but sadly 2 ended their lives prematurely. Oh well, when your whoopie pie stinks, you can't expect me to choke it down. Especially when I know where to get another - better one!!! (or I can bake a dozen if you give me an hour or so!)

Too many calories can be wasted on bad baked goods. I learned a similar thing about books that I just didn't enjoy reading... save them for when I have some "free" time!

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