
Devil Cake

Super easy Ghirardelli chocolate cake. This claims to be a one bowl recipe - I am not sure how to melt chocolate without using a bowl... So I guess it is a 2-bowl-one pot-every measuring cup/spoon-in-the-house recipe!

The batter was very thick - which I personally believe is more stable, and easier to bake to perfection. We have a light in our oven but the glass on the door is SO dirty (will not come clean) that it is really difficult to see what is happening in there! Sadly, I have this habit of opening the oven while baking, and this is not usually a good idea with cakes. This recipe was not only easy, but it stood up to multiple openings of the oven too.

Though I didn't use cake flour, it had a dark and rich chocolate color and flavor, but surprisingly fluffy resulting cake. I used my old stand-by marshmallow buttercream frosting, and it was a birthday cake without a birthday to celebrate.

As I whittle down my recipes finding the most consistent, easy, cheap, and yummy cakes, Ghirardelli has done it again!

Having a spare bag of confectioner sugar, a pound of butter and a bucket of Fluff is really just how I live. It is great to have this frosting as a topping or filling in so many recipes. You can slightly adjust the recipe to meet your needs, with little risk of failure. Always start with 2 sticks of butter, 1 jar of Fluff, and 1 cup of confectioner sugar.

From there, add more sugar to make it more like a birthday cake frosting, some milk to make it a little smoother, lemon, vanilla, almond extract, or really anything you can dream up!

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