
Enchilada Dinner with Brian

Yes!! We are both wearing aprons... and Yes!!!! We are getting married! I hope this makes you want to smile too!!!

Chipotle peppers, tomatoes, garlic and spices make our sauce. Cool and sweet, corn and broccoli for half of our filling. Ground beef, onion, and more spices for the second half of our filling. Lots of cheese and whole wheat tortillas - another easy one!

Lots of leftovers - which makes Brian happy or you can prepare in two small pans and freeze half before you bake. A dollop of daisy is all you need to finish off this dinner.

PS - you can notice in the picture of our stove above, my new digital timer! I bought this for my birthday at William Sonoma, and it's one of the best kitchen gadgets I have ever purchased! It's red... digital... knows what time it is... has a strong magnet... and it has a touch pad like and Ipod! Everything is going Apple, including my new kitchen timer!

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