
Pat Dighton's Zucchini turned into...

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread

Our friend Mike Ewing once told me that if you have to buy zucchini in the summer, you need more friends! This is SO true. Living in Maine, I have never had a summer where I am short on zucchini.

Mr. Swett, Dad, Mike, Pat, or in the break room at L.L. Bean, a giant basket of zucchini, each as long as my arm, free for the taking, we always have plenty.

A lot of the recipes that I use over and over and have adapted for my taste, come from a cook book that was Pepere's. Rodale's Basic Natural Food. Pretty sure I have mentioned it before and I will mention it again. Simple and wholesome ingredients, like honey rather than sugar, and adding some wheat germ or bran to a bread like this, which actually gives this yummy treat some real nutritional value!

I always use Ghirardelli chocolate chips for my baking. In my opinion, it is tasty, inexpensive, and easily found at the grocery store. There are plans in my future to do some sampling of finer chocolates and cocoas, but until finances become less of a problem, I will stick to what I know and trust! (A little field trip to Rooster Brother's can be bad for my chocoholic tendencies - they have lots of yummy and fancy chocolates for eating and baking that I am dying to buy! 8oz.... $15... maybe another day!) But GO TO ROOSTER BROTHER! Even if you just window shop, it is so fun!

Zucchini bread and some yummy coffee with Brian on a Saturday morning - you just can't go wrong!


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