
11/25/10 Dad's Pies

It is important to remember that we have 2 shifts of Thanksgiving at Aunt Jeanne's house - so we need to have pie at least twice on this day.

Lemon Pie
Since Amy and Bill love this one so much and they asked... here it is!

Smooth lemony filling, thin crust.... mmmmm.... And it's pretty to look at.

Blueberry Pie
I think this one came about as a result of opening the freezer. The last time I opened Dad's freezer, there were at least 10 pounds of Maine blueberries sitting on the shelf just waiting for their job assignment. A happy day for these berries, a feature at the Dumas Thanksgiving table.
(Dad's oven is not healthy... this poor pie was almost boiling out of the crust when Dad rescued it!)

Pumpkin Pudding Pie
This is the lighter fluffier alternative to the usual dark, dense custard pumpkin pie that Dad is known for. I guess if you were looking for a pie that is healthier - this is the one. Pumpkin, pudding, and spices. It's easy, fast, and you can use a ready made graham cracker crust too. This one is made on a granola crust.

Dad's famous tried and true Pumpkin Pie
There were 2 of these pies at Thanksgiving. This one was actually served after we ate turkey. It's brother was eaten before we started boiling the potatoes!

Breakfast on Thanksgiving Day
Everyone probably knows that I work 3rd shift, and so I had to work from 12 am to 7 am on Thanksgiving morning. After stopping by Wicket's house for his tinkle break I went home to get Brian. Two showers later, and packing for an overnight, we got ourselves on the road.

I had an english muffin at about 3:30 am and so I was starving! All I could think about all night long while I was at work was having a slice of Dad's pumpkin pie. I told Brian not to eat breakfast because we were having pie! We arrived at Aunt Jeanne's around 10 and Dad arrived at 10:30. This photo was taken at 10:35 as I dove into a slice of the perfect pumpkin pie.

Brian, Aunt Jeanne and I, all had a piece of pumpkin pie, then got to work.

PS - by the time we left at 1:30, I had tried all of the pie with the exception of Blueberry! They were all FANTASTIC!

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