
Pumpkin Pie Muffins

Calling these pumpkin pie muffins is no lie. Having already mentioned the apple tradition and my Dad's mission for the perfect pumpkin pie - you can guess how passionate our family is about great fall flavors.

In November in Maine we often enjoy winter squash, picking and eating apples, opening a jar of summer pickles, and turning on the heat for the first time. One treat I often forget in the fall is cranberries - fresh, dried, frozen, any of the above!

Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, molasses, pumpkin, and cranberries. Adding some molasses as a substitute for the honey, and using the exact measurements of spices from the family pie recipe, it is like a little trick you have played with yourself... this tastes like pie!

The muffin recipe is already fool-proof and as a result - you can make many changes and wind up with a great muffin every time.

My pantry is always stocked with honey, oil, flour, canned pumpkin, and at least a dozen eggs in the refrigerator. On any day I can pull out this recipe and make muffins. It is really great to pull out Dad's recipe at the same time and find that the perfection in the flavors can be passed though me into the muffins!

Thanks Dad - for the can of pumpkin, the recipe, the creativity, Pepere's cookbook, and the love of cooking!

Here is a life sized photo of the end result!

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