
Breakfast special for Brian... and a taco lecture.

This might be crazy - but it was crazy delicious. Easy too and a good user-upper of leftovers. I find breakfast is a fun place to dump some leftovers and see where you end up. Lately "taco" has been the word around here. How can we eat some form of tacos every day of the week and still not be tired of them?

Here are a few of the ways to do that... starting with the photos above:
1. Soft tortillas to line bottom of dish (2 layers), left over chili next, a few scrambled eggs, then of course, the cheese to get all crispy and brown. We put a little fake sour cream on top... that's how we roll I guess.

2. Left over roasted turkey, peppers, onions, garlic, all sauteed together then some taco seasoning. Mix in a little elbow macaroni, top with cheese and voila! Taco-Noodle-Casserole. (That was Saturday night dinner)
2b. Forget the elbows - and have turkey tacos! These are nice with some grated sweet potato as another filling.
2c. Sweet potato tacos! (You get the idea!)

3. Tempeh Tacos: 1 package of your favorite tempeh, veggies that you enjoy, season it up, and toast your taco shells.

4. Tofu Tacos: Extra firm tofu - that I first cook on high heat with some olive oil. This helps it have a crispier texture. Usually with Tofu - I add extra veggies and "lot's of spicy" every time. Since it is in Tofu's nature to lack flavor - it is fun to add different ingredients to change the flavor.

Finally - when you had tacos for dinner yesterday and you only have a little left over filling - the answer is a breakfast quesadilla. I make a scramble of the taco filling with some eggs - and I cook it more like an omelette. This way it is in one piece and is easy to place of the soft tortilla.

Either bake the whole thing on a cookie sheet or in a pan - either way works - depending if you need to warm up the house with the oven or not... I am almost always looking for a reason to turn on the oven!

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