
Heinz 57 Hotel

Marco's Room

How many bottles of Heinz
Ketchup are sold around the world each year?

650 million bottles in 140 countries...

How fast does Heinz Ketchup leave it's fancy glass bottle?

If it is any faster than .028 miles per hour - the Heinz company will not sell the product! I guess this is why they have created the squeeze bottles for those of us in a hurry.

What does "57 Varieties" stand for?

I'm happy to clear up any rumors! It is simply Mr. Heinz's lucky number. He saw another company was boasting "21 Styles of Shoes" so he decided that he would use 57, since it was lucky, to advertise his products.

There is a special purpose for the 57 on the Heinz glass bottle - you tap the bottle there to get the ketchup flowing! Oh the wonder!

Marco loves his new Heinz 57 Hotel! Thanks Dad - for his lovely new toy!

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